Style Version: 3.2.9
phpBB Version: 3.2.9
Based on: prosilver
ProsilverColor-blinds ---
ProsilverColor-blinds_2nd ---
Beschreibung des Styles:
Es ist ein fast normaler Prosilver, aber ohne Farbe.
Es gibt eine dunkle und eine helle Version für mehr Kontrast
Die dunkle Style Version hat einen Wrapborder Background
* Runde Icons für read und viereckige Icons für unread inkl. der Suboren (Die unread icons basieren auf dem Square imageset by EvangelionI) geändert / angepasst
* Background hinter den Gruppenfarben ( Abhängig von der Gruppenfarbenkonfiguration kann die Backgroundfarbe in der style.css angepasst oder entfernt werden)
Hinweis: Wenn immer noch lese Probleme bestehen, kann man zusätzlich eine Hoverfarbe bestimmen. Aber die Benutzernamen werden alle die selbe Hoverfarbe haben unabhängig in welcher Gruppe sie sind.
Code: Alles auswählen
a:hover.username-coloured {
color: blue !important;
--- --- ---
FACT: 1 out of 255 women and 1 out of 12 men have some form of color vision deficiency.
Color weaknesses are mostly congenital, but diseases or side effects of drugs can also affect the recognition of colors. Total colour blindness, on the other hand, is much rarer - one in every 100,000 people is affected.
GEO - How colour-blind people see the world (Article on DE but look at the pictures at the end. Use the slider and drag it from left to right to see the difference in each shot.)
Translation for the shown pictures:
In red blindness (protanopia) patients are not able to process red light. They therefore have difficulty distinguishing between red and green and between blue and green. In red blindness, the cones, the sensory cells of the retina, which are responsible for seeing red tones, are damaged.
People who suffer from green blindness (deuteranopia) cannot process a green light. There are no cones, i.e. the sensory cells of the eye, so that green tones cannot be perceived. It is therefore more difficult for people with a green blindness to distinguish green from red and between some grey, purple and blue shades.
In people suffering from blue blindness (tritanopia), the light-sensitive photoreceptors for recognizing blue tones on the retina of the eye are not developed. As a result, they often confuse light blue with grey, dark purple with black, medium green with blue and orange with red. They cannot process blue light.